" The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Come away to a quiet place...
Nestled between Three Lakes and Eagle River in northern Wisconsin.
Solitude: Intentional time set apart to be with God
At the core of Marmutt Woods is the belief that one can never underestimate or overstate how good it is to sit quietly with God and His word as often as possible. We were created to be in a relationship with God, and too often we let the world get in the way of cultivating that relationship. We know that this is true - when we place a priority on seeking God through His Word and prayer, the troubles of this world are easier to take. So many times we question why God is not with us or not helping us, when really it's us not taking time to see and hear Him at work in our lives. Every day we need to step out of our distractions to regain focus and maintain trust in Him.
Meditation Trail:
A casual walk in a natural setting is a catalyst for communicating with God.
As the Creator of all things, he makes Himself know to us through what is seen (Romans 1:21)
Walk on your own, use a self guided resource, or follow a guided prayer walk
Prayer Labyrinth
The power of prayer comes from the power of God. While some believe certain rituals or shapes have power on their own, we believe they are just tools to help us focus our thoughts and listen to God. The labyrinth is one of these tools to aid concentration. Walk the labyrinth with the provided guide for prayers at each station. (In Developement)
Whether your drive is minutes, or hours, you'll find value in spending time away for extended solitude. Focus on a particular decision or situation, or take time to learn new techniques for your daily solitude at home. Visit the Overnight page for more information.
In addition to materials for the options listed above, we can help connect you to other resources for use here or at home. Book reviews, activities, a Model for Brief Solitude and other materials are available on the Your Faith Your Family resources page. Visit the Devotions page for thoughts to consider during your solitude time.