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Group Event

Built on the foundation of individual prayer, being a part of a Faith Group can provide encouragement, support, and accountability. When a group visits Marmutt Woods they can spend time together learning techniques for individual solitude, and then spread out to practice these techniques while the ideas are fresh.  As time allows, they can return to the group to process and share the experience with each other.  As they continue to meet after their visit, group members can remind each other of the importance of daily solitude and share what they learned with those who did not attend the event.

Available activities and programs will be detailed here soon
  • Campfire

  • Solitude Training and Practice

  • Group Devotion

The Ministry of Marmutt Woods is to encourage you to make time to be silent with God, read His Word, and listen to Him.  We provide a place for intentional solitude and recommend resources for use both here and at home.

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Scripture quotes, unless otherwise noted, from: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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